AI and automation will change the very idea of work. It's truly significant that pioneers don't overlook this AI-and information driven transformation – what I call the "knowledge upheaval" – or permit different pioneers in the association to disregard it. Working out how to utilize AI, managing individuals related difficulties, dodging the moral entanglements of AI, ensuring you have the correct innovation set up, etc. – all are key contemplations for the business heads of today and tomorrow.
This innovation revolution will change what it means to be a good leader and the crux of leadership as a whole. It therefore makes sense that, leaders in the IT game start getting their mindset ready for adjustment. The manner in which we run organizations will change, and successful leaders will require a somewhat unique range of abilities, quite different from the conventional skills, which were earlier related with leaders.
What kind of skillsets would we say we are discussing?
I believe successful leaders in this revolution will require to hone or polish the following leadership skills to be able to sustain in the near future:
1. Agility: The pace of change, particularly with AI, is astonishing. Leaders must therefore be able to embrace and celebrate change (including new technologies). And, importantly, they should not view change as a burden, but see it as an opportunity to grow and innovate, both at an individual and organizational level.
2. Emotional intelligence. As more and more workplace activities become automated, softer skills like emotional intelligence and empathy will become more critical for human workers. And if we expect the workplaces of the future to prioritize such human skills, it stands to reason that leaders must model these behaviors themselves.
3. Cultural intelligence. The workplaces of the future will be even more diverse, global and dispersed than they are today. Effective leaders will be able to appreciate and leverage the differences individuals bring to the table, and to respect and work well with people from all backgrounds – even when they share a different world view.
4. Humility. Confidence will still be an important trait in leaders, but the successful leaders of the future will be able to strike a balance between confidence and humility. They will see themselves as facilitators and collaborators, rather than critical cogs to success. In other words, they’ll encourage others to shine.
5. Accountability. Flatter organizational structures, more project-based teams, partnership working – all of these things will lead to organizations becoming more transparent and collaborative. Leaders will therefore need to be more transparent and hold themselves accountable. What’s more, their actions must be in clear alignment with the company’s goals.
6. Vision. To understand the impact of AI on the business and all of its stakeholders, leaders in the intelligence revolution will need that big-picture vision. How will AI transform the organization and lead to new business opportunities? It’s up to leaders to determine this, while managing stakeholders’ needs effectively.
7. Intuition. There’s no doubt that data-driven decision making is the way forward, but that doesn't mean intuition and instinct will become obsolete, far from it. Particularly as workplaces undergo rapid change, leaders will still require that uniquely human skill of intuition, of being able to “read” what’s not being said.
8. Courage. We’ve barely scratched the surface of what AI can do, so leaders will need the courage to face the uncertain, the courage to fail fast, and the courage to change course when the situation calls for a new strategy. As part of this, they’ll need the courage to identify their own weaknesses and be open to coaching and learning. (In fact, as skills become outdated even more quickly in the future, successful leaders will need to cultivate a culture of learning right across the business.)
9. Authenticity. Any new technology brings with it issues around ethics and misuse, not to mention issues around change management. Leaders in the intelligence revolution will therefore need to be able to build trust with customers, employees, and other stakeholders – and that means exuding authenticity. This will become especially important in times of uncertainty, change, or failure.
10. Focus. Finally, with the incredible pace of change, and the continual need to adapt, future leaders will need to maintain a laser-like focus on the organization’s strategic objectives. They’ll need to be able to cut through the chaos and hype to identify what’s really important – especially the initiatives and technology that will help the organization deliver on its goals.
The critical takeaway here is that human leadership abilities will be similarly as significant in the intelligence insurgency, if not more so. Individuals are, and will remain, the main resource for any business. In any case, what we prize as key initiative aptitudes later on may appear to be extremely unique to the conventional administration abilities that are esteemed today. I anticipate that these gentler, more human aptitudes – things like quietude and passionate insight – will turn out to be significantly more significant going ahead.
By: Asish Dash
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